Music. Coffee. Food.

Music.  Coffee.  Food.
My Three Pleasures

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday morning musings

See, what I don't get is:

*why these women on the Maury show are so convinced that this man is the father of their kids because he's been known to sleep around in the neighborhood...but don't seem to be in a hurry to get an STD test. Paternity tests, yes, because that means child support. STD test, not so much. Maybe later, though, when they're done cleaning out his pockets.

*soccer moms who will take a half-hour to strap their little precious toddlers into their car seats, put a "Baby On Board" placard on the back on their vehicles, but then speed around like a bat out of hell to make sure they don't miss their hair appointments. Or book club. Or triple foam lattes. Or whatever it is that requires speeding.

*bicyclists on their cell phones. Most motorists already have a hard time with them on the road. And most motorists are already terrible at multi-tasking the driving and the cell phoning. If both parties are chatting away, who is preventing the accident? who is actually being attentive?

*Waiters and bartenders who ignore you or are super-rude for no reason other than because they want to. Hey, you work for tips. I have money that spends just like everyone else's. Seems like I truly have the upper-hand here. My hard-earned coin helps to pay your rent. So we might want to work on adjusting that attitude.

*why my burger or sangwich never costs less if I take stuff off of it. If I go to the burger joint and tell them "no tomato, no onion, no mayo", I'm still paying the same price as the next person after me who decides he wants it all. But if I get it on the burger and then just scrape it off, it's like I'm wasting money. Either way, my opposition to tomatoes and onions puts me in a bind.

*the few elitist baristas I've met in some of the suburban chain coffee shops while I was in college. Dude, you brew coffee for a living...

*why a store claims they've "lowered prices" when really, they just jacked up the price and then implemented their "price cuts".



  1. The Maury Show women kill me!!! Like don't go on a tv show in front of the world, swear up and down that he is definitely the father of your baby if secretly you know that you slept with someone else. Just don't do it. Except for my entertainment, because that's HILARIOUS when that happens.

    Can I add elitist shop assistants to the elitist baristas?

  2. I too, am fascinated by the Maury women. Especially the ones that run through 5+ paternity candidates, and still don't know who it is.

    I think you should add... I had something to add, but my brain totally went blank. Perhaps I'll come back when I remember.
