Music. Coffee. Food.

Music.  Coffee.  Food.
My Three Pleasures

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Throwback Thursdays: Screaming about Flag Football edition

Before meeting my Lady during our freshman year of college, I only had a vague understanding of the punk genre and zero knowledge of the existence of Hardcore (outside of porn, that is). While it still isn't my preferred listening pleasure (I listen to a lot of awfulness, and The Beach Boys), there was something very ironic and invigorating about listening to Ten Yard Fight, a hardcore straight-edge band, scream football/hardcore analogies through the speakers while we were getting nice and boozy with cheap vodka (Skol!) in her dorm room. Or while driving down to Florida for spring break and listening to the album over and over because it was only 23 minutes long. Apparently there are only so many football terms one can scream out at a given time.

I miss those days of trying to find the balance of having as much fun as possible while making sure we do well enough in school so that we didn't end up as hobos (although, as we quickly found out, school doesn't necessarily prevent that); of trying to hide the boys in the closet even though Campus Safety was already well aware that they were in the room (cheap vodka prevents discretion); and of sitting in Steak N Shake at all hours of the night/early morning because it was the only thing under-21 college kids could do at a small religious college in the suburbs. No matter what we got into, she always made sure we had a rocking soundtrack to accompany us. Such as hardcore songs about flag football. You’d be surprised how much cooler flag football sounds when it’s screamed at you.

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